A life completely surrendered to Jesus cannot help but bear witness and testify to the accomplishment of Christ. The heart of evangelism is that of a loving, outward response to the work of Christ. We collectively proclaim that we cannot help but speak about what we have seen and heard. 

Scripture to read: Revelation 12:11, 1 John 5:11, Matthew 5:14-16, Luke 14:23

"The only reason why those born again of the Spirit are left in the world is that they may be His witnesses." -G. Campbell Morgan 

" The man who would win the world for Christ - one of Christ's passionate few - must walk the city streets secretly exulting in the thought of his Savior: he will repeat to himself the name of his Lord as a lover repeats to himself the lovely name of his lady. O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord, forgive me if I say, for every love, thy precious name a thousand times a day. Each separate member of the passionate few will find his faith so enjoyable, so delectable, so exciting that the very mention of his Savior's name will awaken all his enthusiasm, stir all his devotion, inflame all the faculties of his soul, and shine out lustrously from his very countenance." -F.W. Boreham

 Books to read:

  • Master Plan of Evangelism

  • Out of the Saltshaker